Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dutch style kissy face

I love playing dress-up with her!

1 comment:

  1. History facts,
    holland= a part of the netherlands(but moostly they think that it is the same)
    90% of the netherlands was before the roman time land of Frissi(or frisia)modern name Friesland. the Frisse where german tribe, living in lowerlands coast from N.O Hermany / Netherlands to what is now Nord France ( nowe EMDEM (G)/ The Heage (Dutch)/ Duinkerken/ Lille France)
    Known settelment at that Time was(City) was Dorusstad, now known as Wijk Bij Duurstede.

    When the Roman people arrived Friesland was pushed above the river Rhein.
    To push them ferther back, the Romans bild a Fort FLEVO. The Flevo Ford is now the Village Velzen in provincie Noord Holland.
    That keeps the frisian warriors above that line
    Bakkum/ Castricum Limmen area.

    The catholics could not easely take them to what they called cristianity
    (it was politics)
    St Bonifatius was with an army into Friesland to
    force them to be cristian, But Bonifatius was Killed hahahah
    Thas maybe wy manny people with a frisian background are not so easy to follow a leader easely.
    About 600 years after chr wants keizer Karel the Great an other vazal play the boss , he helps the Saksen( Saxons) , an big german tribe.
    From he east. the other king has a vazal made
    in Kinheim(Kennermerland)en cold that the Duke of Holland, zo Kinheim became Holland. and pushed the frian from the west.
    That was the Origin of Holland, and the fall off the Friesland.

    about 1200 after Christ there where water ramp years, and a flevosea became a BIG sea, later known as the Zuiderzee(sudrensee)

    it was not possible for the fries people to maintan on that side of the water, so that divide that part To holland devently ( city.s hoorn , Medemblik Enkhuizen.(name of the area west Friesland)
    Enkhuizen was til than Radbout City named after the Frisian King Radbout, who had in the past the curage to figt the Roman impire.

    Later ages was ther for Frisan a dagnger from east side, the Duke off Saksen,was Goint to take the Frian from eat side, the Duke og Gelre later on also
    becausse, Holland says that Frian was for them, but they could not do a thing, because the SEA between them, and the frisan people stay to independend yhe say

    Shorter to say the Aglo Saxon Dialect overtrowe
    the frian language.
    So begecame Nord eatern part more in the hands of Saksen, and the language became like Gronings language.(in the german part also)

    now is Friesland only the nothern province Friesland.

    In Friesland is the Frisch language still alive,beside Dutch. In Germany is ther also a diffrend Frisch Dialect remaind in a ferry small area its coled Sater Fries, the name of the area Saterland near Oldenburg city.

    so the Frisan people there are the native people.
    Miedema is an Frisan name Th Grand Grand father of Tanja Miedema (nowe named other wise)was born in the place called Oosterend(dutch) The Frisian name of the village is Easterein, her Grand dad is froom the city Sneek( frian Snits)

    so Who is the native people?

    aybe you think that Dutch is old, but it is rather young. Frisan is Older and the origin of that people.
    Miedema clan was till 1900 part of that independend people


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