Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Coffee Poo Death by Microsoft


You do not have my permission to remove a production "program" from my Windows 10 Wacom MobileStudio Pro. Especially the very program I use to create this very Web Comic Coffee Poo with! After 32 years you fail to credit a "Program" that is old enough to have earned forever the title of "Program". It's not an "App". It's been around long before "App" was a term applied to fluffy short lived things that may or may not last the short irrelevant life of a cell phone. Call it an "Application" if you must, but, it's 32 years of service has earned it the right to avoid the "App" label.

With all the very smart people at Microsoft I can't understand why you haven't figured out how popular MS-Paint still is. Not only from "Anyone can draw" simplicity of the program to advanced art found here and other places, but, technical people who still use it as a quick and dirty image editor to put in a circle and arrow to make a point. Taking popular things away you should have learned long ago is "Like taking candy away from a baby!"

Moving MS-Paint to your app store is not fixing the problem you created. Neither is adding a too complicated for its own good Paint 3D to replace MS-Paint.

Although the Coffee Poo site is all about Humor there is absolutely nothing funny about calling an update that removes an art program I use a "Creators Update".